Mar 192011
World War I Post Cards to EMM

The first two pictures show both sides of a 1919 postcard that Sgt 1st Class Homer Brown (“Big Bubba”) wrote to his six-year-old niece EMM from France. He references “Little Bubba”, his brother Charles. Note that the card has been stamped “Passed As Censored”. The third picture shows a 1926 card from Homer to EMM. […]

Mar 192011
Emily Van Dorn Miller 1827-1912

This 1908 photograph shows Emily Van Dorn Miller at age 81, with her son Thomas Marshall Miller, grandson John Dabney Miller (1878-1949), and great-grandchildren John, Jr.(19 Oct 1906-1996), and Albert (1907-1910). The date given above is based on Albert’s birthdate of 18 Nov 1907 and his young age. Emily Donelson Van Dorn Miller, daughter of […]

Mar 182011
Edith's high school graduation portrait.

EMM says that her graduation from North Dallas High was a big event because she was the first of her family to graduate from high school. She says they didn’t have any money and must have paid a dollar a month for the next hundred years to pay for the dress.

Mar 182011
William Trigg Miller, about 1871

Born 1814 in Kentucky, William was a lawyer, cotton broker, and riverboat gambler. He is the father of Thomas Marshall Miller (b1847) and is our great-great-grandfather. We don’t know when he died but he was alive during the Civil War. This picture belongs to Laurean Reynolds of New Orleans, great-grandaughter of Earl Van Dorn Miller.

Mar 172011
Sarah (Smith) Dabney, 1775-1851

Sarah (Smith) Dabney was the wife of Benjamin Dabney and mother of Philip Augustine Lee Dabney. (Philip is the father of Letitia Dabney Miller [1852-1946], the wife of Thomas Marshall Miller [1847-1920].) Sarah is our great-great-great grandmother. The Virginia Historical Society lists an image of Sarah with the Macon family, under “Macon: Sarah (Smith) Dabney, […]