


Miller Movies and Slides. Home movies, starting in 1941.

The Tennis Player from Bermuda. Web page for Jim’s book.

Katrina damage to Pass Christian, Mississippi. This site has pictures of Trinity Church and Live Oak Cemetery, where Thomas and Letitia Miller are buried. The church and the cemetery were severely damaged by the hurricane.

Excerpts from a book on Live Oak Cemetery. This is the Pass Christian cemetery where several Dabney’s are buried, including our great-grandmother Letitia and her husband Thomas Miller.

Victor Miller’s Web Site. Cousin Victor is our generation. He has different Miller grandparents: Van Dorn Miller for us, John Dabney Miller, Sr., for him. He wrote the original “Friday the 13th” movie and has three Emmys for “All My Children” on TV. His father Jack Miller is in the “Boston Club” photo. Victor owns the original of the Peter Van Dorn painting. Below: Tina Miller, Victor, and Tom, Jr.

A Sketch of the Dabneys of Virginia at Google Books. Published in 1888 and written by William Henry Dabney. You can read the book on-line, search on-line, or download.

Memorials of a Southern Planter. The full text of Susan Smedes’ book on Thomas Dabney. Phil’s copy of this book, inherited from TMM, Sr., is autographed by Susan, “Sophy Greene from Aunt Sue”:

Memorials of a Southern Planter at Google books. This is a scan of the 1888 edition and has pictures on page 0, the page following page 52, and the page following page 246. (The picture pages are unnumbered.)

Burleigh Plantation. This page has the 1860 map drawn by Fred Y. Dabney and Google Earth overlays for the map.

The Southern Lady and the British Prime Minister . This is an article by Jill Carpenter in the newsletter of the Sewanee Trust, Nov/Dec 2006, about Susan Dabney Smedes’ correspondence with the British Prime Minister Gladstone.

Raymond, Mississippi: Information (current and historical) on the Raymond area, home of Letitia Dabney and her uncle Thomas Dabney. This is a comprehensive site on the history of Raymond, Mississippi, maintained by cousin Becky Drake. If nothing else, check out the 1908 photo of Confederate veterans assembled at a monument in Raymond, at “Photographs”, “1908 Confederate Veterans”, and the next one, “1908 Daughters of the Confederacy”; makes you glad you were fighting the men instead of the women. Many interesting items here, like an obituary for Letitia Dabney’s brother John Davis Dabney, and a newspaper note about Susan Smedes dying in Sewanee. You’ll like the 1860 advertisement that Augustine Lee Dabney has in the newspaper:

The Battle of Raymond: A site dedicated to the 1863 battle, one of the major hurdles for Grant on his way to taking Jackson and, eventually, Vicksburg. The “Diaries and Personal Accounts” section includes Letitia’s remembrances and quotes from Mary Dabney Ware, who petitioned Grant in person for supplies.

Longino Elementary School.


Tom Lehrer sings “The Elements” with the help of Gilbert and Sullivan.