
Mar 302012

Jim’s sons Tom and James took adventurous trips this summer. Tom (first picture below) biked coast-to-coast in 45 days. On June 26th, he dipped his back wheels in the Atlantic near Savannah, Georgia, and on August 5th, dipped his front wheels in the Pacific at Santa Monica, California. He covered over 3000 miles and carried his own supplies–there was no sissy van on this tour. Tom is 17.

Brother James cycled from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Montreal. James is the subdued fellow holding the Quebec sign in the second picture below. The bikers carried their own equipment and camped along the way. James is 13. He will, no doubt, do the coast-to-coast trick within the next several years.

Mar 272012

Skiing in Utah

Bob, Hope, and Phil ski in Utah.

Keep scrolling down: there are a total of two pictures below.

Hope and Bob at Alta, 10000 foot elevation, cold and windy at top of the mountain.

Hope at Alta.

Mar 252012

Christmas 2001

Note: Scroll down: there are a total of four pictures on this page.

Kay and Carol at EMM’s apartment.

Mary Helen and Smokey with Mrs. Hicks at Bob’s house.

Phil, Mary Helen, Hope, and Bob at Bob’s house.

Alice, Mary Helen, Mrs. Hicks, and Hope.