January 1, 2025

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Photo album of Letitia Dabney Miller, denoted here as LDM, (1852-1946) assisted by her daughter Emily Van Dorn Miller Danton (1888-1982). LDM’s husband was Thomas Marshall Miller (1847-1920), who was Attorney General of Mississippi, 1886-1893. His “Marshall” name came from the well-liked husband of TMM’s great aunt, Letitia Miller (1824-1887). The husband was (Thomas Alexander Marshall (1812-1893), a first cousin once-removed of Chief Justice John Marshall). Later lawyers in the family salivated over the possibility that they were related to the Chief Justice — alas, only by marriage. Most of the photos in this album relate to two brothers who moved to Mississippi from Virginia in 1832: LDM’s father Philip Augustine Lee Dabney (aka Gus, 1800-1878) a lawyer and probate judge in Raymond, MS, and his brother Thomas Smith Gregory Dabney (1798-1885) who had a large plantation “Burleigh” some miles south of Raymond off Dry Grove Rd. TSGD was the subject of his daughter’s book “Memorials of a Southern Planter” (1887 and many later editions), by Susan Dabney Smedes.
A newspaper clipping about LDM’s brother Thomas Gregory Dabney (1844-1929), two poems (Rain and Wind, Easy Pity), and a Christmas 1930 card from her son Earl Van Dorn Miller (1882-1945).
Mrs. Frank Smith (née: Mary Ware) and her baby (Frank aka “Bimbo”), 4 months old. Christmas 1930.
Philip Miller Jr., 1 month old, 1930, with parents Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (LDM’s son, 1894-1981) and Elizabeth Pleasants Ellison Miller (1904-1978).
No information available — even the name on the picture isn’t clear — may not be “Jose.”
Laura Beverly Miller Buck (1870-1934) with Philip Miller Jr. (1930-2011) at one month (June 1930). Laura Buck was the daughter of Confederate Col. Horace H. Miller (ca1826 to 1877, brother of LDM’s father-in-law William Trigg Miller, who was the husband of Emily Van Dorn Miller). Laura is buried with her father’s family at Vicksburg City Cemetery in the Miller/Marshall adjacent plots. Horace fought in the Mexican War and was appointed Chargé d’Affaires to Bolivia afterwards (Dec. 1852 to Jan. 1854) by President Millard Fillmore. He fought throughout the Civil War, though his service record contains many pleas to his commander for time off to attend to legal business in Vicksburg (he was a lawyer). Horace and his wife Sarah Ragan Miller (1837-1875) play a prominent role in the diary of Sarah’s niece Kate Stone, who lived lived at Brokenburn cotton plantation in Louisiana, 30 miles northwest of Vicksburg. The diary “Brokenburn,” telling of this 20-ish girl during the Civil War, was published by the Louisiana State University Press (1955, 1972, & 1995). Laura was the wife of Richard Buck; more on him in photos on page 100.
Elizabeth Miller with her son Philip Miller, Jr., at 6 months (Dec 1930).
Sophie Greene, Sewanee, TN. Sophie was the daughter of Emmeline Dabney (Emmy, 1844-1923) of Burleigh Plantation south of Raymond, Mississippi, and Col. Benjamin H. Greene (1829-1890). Emmeline is buried in Live Oak Cemetery in Pass Christian, Mississippi. Benjamin Greene is buried in Helena, Montana. He was Surveyor General for the US Government.
LDM’s son Frederick Dabney Miller (called “Dabney”) (1874-aft1945) and his wife Genevieve. Dabney was said to be brilliant in college and fluent in classical Greek and Latin. But he became an alcoholic, which limited his success when he fell off the wagon. He is said to be lucky to have married a registered nurse who could take care of him.
LDM’s son Raymond Dabney Miller (1887-1958), the artist Muriel Miller Henrique’s father. Raymond was married to Muriel Morrison Miller (1896-1984). Raymond fought in WWI and was gased, which caused him problems all his life.
LDM’s son Frederick Dabney Miller (called “Dabney”) (1874-aft1945) at age 61.
“Alice Ellen Nelson at one year, 1930” reads the label. She was also known as “Alen Nelson” and later as “Alice Furlaud” after marriage to Maxime J. Furlaud, a screenwriter and playwriter. She was the daughter of Sylvia Searby Nelson and Frederick Cooke Nelson (a columnist for the Baltimore Sun). Alice (Radcliffe, 1951) became a well-known essayist for National Public Radio, primarily for dispatches from Paris. She died in 2016.
Probably this is the son of LDM’s son John Dabney Miller, Sr. Houston, Texas, in 1930. His full name is Thomas Marshall Miller II.
Marshall Miller’s wife Lucille, 1930.
Barbara Ware at 8-10 months, 1930 (died in 1960). The Ware family in this album originated with LDM’s sister Mary Smith Dabney (1842-1931), who met her future husband Lt. William Lynch Ware while caring for wounded soldiers during the Civil War. Her son Sedley Ware, a professor at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. (Mary had also had two daughters, but one lived only 1 year, and the other died at age 6-1/2.) Because of Sedley, many of the Dabney women ended up retired in Sewanee.
LDM’s youngest child, Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr., (1894-1981) Christmas card, 1930. LDM’s daughter Emily remembers when they moved from Mississippi to New Orleans in a carriage (probably 1893), Emily carried baby Philip on her lap.
Philip A. L. Miller, Sr. and wife Elizabeth
Philip Miller, Sr.’s daughter Letitia Miller (Letty) in a bathtub.
Philip A. L. Miller’s wife Elizabeth with daughter Letitia (“Letty”) and son Philip Jr.
LDM’s granddaughter Letitia (“Letty”) Miller at Lake Dunmore, Vermont, 1938 or 1939.
LDM’s grandson Philip A. L. Miller, Jr. rowing a canoe at Lake Dunmore, VT, 1938 or 1939.
LDM’s grandson Philip A. L. Miller, Jr. (1930-2011) in about 1935.
Philip A. L. Miller, Sr. and Jr., 1930
Letitia Dabney Miller with Nellie Searby, Brooksville, ME, 1930. There are many photos of Searbys in this album because of the marriage of LDM’s niece Ellen (Nellie) to William Searby. They had 4 children, Sylvia (married Frederic Nelson), Ted (died of lung cancer in the 1970s), Ned (killed in WWII), and Alice (who died very young). Sylvia and Frederic had a cottage in Brooksville, Maine, where several photos in this album were taken. The Searby family also had a ranch in the Russian River area of Northern California. Nellie was one of 5 children, all girls, of LDM’s sister Elizabeth Smith Dabney (1839-1918), who married Judge William Wood Porter (1827-1907). They lived in Santa Rosa, California, just north of San Francisco. Several family members moved to Santa Rosa after the Civil War, including LDM’s parents, her sisters Martha (never married) and Ann (Nannie, never married). They are all buried in the Porter/Dabney Cemetery in Santa Rosa.
Philip Miller, Jr., with maternal grandfather Grady Ellison, beside Philip’s sister Letty Miller.
August 1930 at Sylvia Nelson’s cottage in Brooksville, Maine. The label reads: L-R: Helen Mahan, Baby Alice (Nelson), Muriel McLeod, Ted Searby, LDM, and Nellie Searby. “Muriel is now Muriel Searby.” A similar photo taken at the same gathering is given on page 7 of the album.
Marion Miller and son Watts (2 months old). Marion was the wife of LDM’s grandson Allison Miller, and Watts was their son, i.e., LDM’s great-grandson.
LDM’s son John Dabney Miller, Sr., (1878-1949) with his grandson Watts and son Allison Miller, 1939. Allison was an Army Captain in France during WWII.
Thomas Marshall Miller II (called Marshall), with child Dabney (at 4 months old) and wife Lucille, Christmas 1938. Presumably, Marshall is one of the sons of LDM’s son John Dabney Miller, Sr.
LDM’s son Frederick Dabney Miller (called “Dabney”) ( 1874-aft1945), foreman of a lumber yard near San Francisco in October 1930,
Children of Alan Hackett, Christmas, 1930, New Orleans. Friends or relatives? Unknown.
LDM’s son Earl Van Dorn Miller (1882-1945) “with little friend,” Christmas, 1930. Growing up, Earl caused trouble for LDM’s family, apparently related to alcohol. He died of alcoholism. Earl was named after a great uncle, Confederate Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn (1820-1863).
This is the back of the picture of Earl Van Dorn Miller’s Christmas 1930 photo, showing his handwriting, similar to that on the inside cover of the photo album.
At Sylvia Nelson’s cottage in Brooksville, ME, August 1930. The label reads: L-R: Ned Searby, Sylvia Nelson, baby Alice (Nelson), Muriel, Ted Searby, Aunt Letty (LDM), and Nellie Searby. This is a different view of the group, taken at the same gathering, as shown on page 5. The labels leave the identity of the woman on the left ambiguous, possibly because the darker page 5 photo includes another woman barely visible.
Persian cat belonging to LDM’s son Frederick Dabney Miller (1874-aft1945).
LDM’s great-granddaughter Olive Adair Miller (1934-2006), daughter of LDM’s grandson John Dabney Miller, Jr., New Orleans, at one year of age. Later known as Adair M. Burlingham of Cambridge, MA. Adair had 5 daughters, Barbara, Mary, Susan, Eliza, and Alice Storey.
Alice Ellen Nelson (1929-1916), daughter of Sylvia Searby Nelson and Frederic Nelson. The boy is unidentified; Alice Ellen was an only child.
Undated photo of Alice Ellen Nelson (Alen, 1929-2016). It is appropriate that she is reading, because she became an essayist both in print and on National Public Radio as Alice M. Furlaud.
Another undated photo of Alice Ellen Nelson. Is she wearing a brownie or girl scout uniform? Faint writing below the photo says, “Bridge, ’39.” If 1939, Alice would be 9 or 10 years old.
LDM’s son Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (1894-1981) holding his son PALM, Jr. (1930-2011).
1930 at the Nelson cottage in Brooksville, Maine. The writing on the sides says: Ned and Ted Searby, Muriel, Florence holding baby Alice (Nelson).
The writing on the side says: Ned Searby and Muriel, August 1930. Is this a wedding photo? In a different photo on page 5 taken the same month, Muriel is identified as Muriel McLeod, “now Muriel Searby.”
Undated photo of LDM’s son Frederic Dabney Miller (Dabney, 1874-aft1945).
Persian cat of LDM’s son Frederic Dabney Miller (Dabney, 1874-aft1945).
Photo of Ted Searby and his wife Frances, February 1931.
Photo of Ted Searby and his wife Frances, March 1933. Ted inherited a ranch in the Russian River area of Northern California, so this is possibly the location of the house.
Ned Searby’s wife Muriel with their daughter Lucy Corlis Searby aged 8-1/2 months, September 1932.
Ellen Ware Searby (Nellie) with her granddaughter Lucy Corlis Searby, September 1932.
“Searby Campers,” Muriel, Ted, Ned, and Sylvia Searby. Undated.
“Nellie (Searby)’s room with Aunt Letty (LDM)’s spread.” On the back: “Your counterpane
Undated photo of Ellen (Nellie) Searby with “Eps.” Presumably a grandson of hers.
Alice Ellen Nelson with Pére, presumably a grandfather. Undated, but she looks to be 1 year old, which implies 1930.
“The Nelsons on ship, April 1st, 1930.” This would be Frederic, Alice Ellen, and Sylvia Searby Nelson.
Alice Ellen Nelson. Undated, but she seems to be about 1 year old, which implies 1930.
Alice Ellen Nelson at 1 year old, 1930.
Presumably this is the daughter of LDM’s son Raymond Dabney Miller, Muriel Miller, holding Alice Ellen Nelson. Alice looks still a baby, implying 1929. If identified correctly, Muriel was later known as Muriel Miller Henriques.
Written on back: “Emily Nammacher at 1 year, 1940.” Friend or relative? Unknown.
Terri Nammacher with child, April 1932. Friend or relative? Unknown.
Undated Nammacher kids Christmas card.
Written on the back: “From all the Nammachers. And best and deepest love from me. Rose”
Rae Nammacher, 1940.
Writing on the card, “Where Ned (Searby) and Muriel (McLeod) were married, August 1930.”
Writing on back: “Fleetwood residence of L. C.(?) Umlauf near Mathews Co. Virginia, 1930.
Alice Marye Ware’s wedding announcement in Romanian. The left half is from Alice’s parents in Sewanee, Tennessee, and reads “Mr. and Mrs. Sedley Lynch Ware have the honor to announce the marriage of their daughter Alice to Mr. Lieutenant Dimitrie Deleanu and please attend the religious ceremony that will be celebrated on Sunday, November 23, 1930, at 5 p.m. in the Boteanu Church.” The church is a Romanian Orthodox Church in Bucharest. Alice’s parents were first cousins: Dr. Sedley Ware was the son of LDM’s sister Mary, and his wife Alice Porter was the daughter of LDM’s sister Elizabeth. The right side is from his parents. (Yes, there are many Alice’s in the extended family, which gets confusing.) Alice Marye Ware was born in 1914 (one source says 1913).
LDM’s 6th child and only girl, Emily Van Dorn Miller (1888-1982, named after her father’s mother), with her dog Jock Brown in Maine in 1937. Emily is later know as Emily Danton following her marriage to J. Perriman Danton, who was 20 years younger.
Dog Sybil “and her sons,” 1931. (There is no photo of the sons.)
The label reads, “Sisters.” Mary Smith Dabney Ware (1842-1931), left, with her sister LDM (1852-1946). Probably in Sewanee, Tennessee, where many of the women in the family retired. Probably 1930. Mary Ware was said to be a great business woman. She was wealthy enough to spend 14 years traveling around Europe and wrote three books about her travels. In the final one she appends “Reminiscinces of My Life” telling about growing up in Raymond, Mississippi, and living through the Civil War. After Grant captured Vicksburg, she went to talk to Generals Grant, Sherman, and McPherson to ask for captured wagons and horses that were needed for crops. She got what she asked for. (McPherson was later killed in the Battle of Atlanta.)
Not much known other than “Winter Park, FL.”
Lt. William Lynch Ware (1903-1992), USN, 1934. A son of Sedley Lynch Ware and wife Alice Porter Ware.
Helen Ann Reischauer. On the back: “I thought you might like one of Ann for your book. She was 16-17 months old when this was taken. Looks older, I think, and hands look efficient, don’t they?” Emily Van Dorn Miller Danton (1888-1982) carried on correspondence with her brother-in-law, Edwin O. Reischauer (1910-1990), an American diplomat and professor at Harvard University. Reischauer’s first wife Elinor Adrienne Danton Reischauer (1911-1955) was the sister of Emily’s husband Joseph Periam Danton (1908-2002). Helen Ann Reischauer was the first child of Edwin and Adrienne. Her siblings were Joan and Robert. Edwin Reischauer was born in Japan to missionary parents. Similarly, Perry Danton spent much of his childhood in China where his parents were teachers. Perry was a Lt. Commander USN during WWII. He and Emily were married in 1935, but they divorced after Perry returned from WWII.
Margaret Messow at Valley Forge, 1940. Friend or relative? Unknown.
Elizabeth Miller, wife of LDM’s youngest child, Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (1894-1981).
LDM’s youngest child, Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (1894-1981). He was named after LDM’s father P. A. L. Dabney (1800-1878).
Rear view of Balchetor Place, Winter Park, Florida. Significance unknown.
Front view of Balchetor Place, Winter Park, Florida. Significance unknown.
Label says: “Mary Rhodes, New Orleans, 1924, at 17 months.” Back: “February 1924.” Developer’s stamp says Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Friend or family? Unknown.
Back says “Danton.” A label says “Sambo.” Presumably a cat belonging to LDM’s daughter Emily Danton.
LDM’s daughter Emily Danton (1888-1982) with Letty Miller, daughter of LDM’s son Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (1894-1981).
Another picture of Emily Danton’s cat Sambo.
1937 photo of Elizabeth Miller, wife of LDM’s youngest child, Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (1894-1981).
LDM’s son Philip Augustine Lee Miller, Sr. (1894-1981), holding his son PALM, Jr. (1930-2011). Estimated to be 1932.
Philip A. L. Miller, Jr. at 10 months.
Philip A. L. Miller, Jr. at 10 months.
Frank Smith and Barbara Ware in Sewanee, Tennessee. Frank (Jr.) is apparently the son of Alice Ware Smith, who married Frank Smith, Sr. The number of Alices in that family is confusing, though.
LDM with Frank Smith and Barbara Ware in Sewanee. The back says, “Aunt Letty with Barbara & Frank.”
Dr. Sedley Lynch Ware with Frank Smith. Sedley was named after his father’s brother, who had died of tuberculosis during the Civil War. Sedley was a professor at the University of the South in Sewanee. He was the author of a 1908 book on aspects of the history of the Church of England, based on his PhD dissertation at Johns Hopkins University. As noted on an earlier photo, Sedley married his first cousin Alice Turner Porter, daughter of LDM’s sister Elizabeth, while Sedley was the son of LDM’s sister Mary. Sedley and Alice had 6 children, John Davis Dabney Ware (1903-1935), William Lynch Ware (1903-1992), William Porter Ware (1904-1990), Mary Dabney Ware (1907-1979), Elizabeth Osborne Ware (1911-1972), and Alice Marye Ware (1914-?).
Alice Porter Ware (1874-1959), wife of Sedley Lynch Ware (1868-1951). Alice was the daughter of LDM’s sister Elizabeth Osborne Dabney (1839-1918). With Frank Smith and Barbara Ware in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Presumably the older woman is Muriel Morrison Miller (1896-1984), wife of LDM’s son Raymond Dabney Miller (1887-1958). The younger woman is then Muriel Miller (1924- ), later Muriel M. Henriques, an artist. Based on the younger woman’s appearance, this could be ca. 1942.
Writing on the back says, “Virginia Amelia Grant Dabney (age 22 months) familiarly known as ‘Mrs. Chuckles.” 1931. Amelia (1929-2011) was later known as Mrs. George Wheeler Griffin. Amelia was the daughter of LDM’s nephew Dr. Marye Yeamans Dabney (1884-1960) and his wife Virginia Amelia Grant Dabney (1858-1920). Marye Yeamans Dabney was a son of LDM’s brother Dr. John Davis Dabney (1848-1930). Amelia had 3 sisters: a twin, Marye Yeamans Dabney, who died as an infant, Eugenia Blount Dabney (1922-2005), later known as Mrs. Karl Emil Hofammann, and Sarah Comer Dabney (1920-2013), later known as Mrs. Robert Thornton Scott. “Marye” is an old Virginia surname. An online list of early female doctors who received their M.D.s from Johns Hopkins University once included Dr. Marye Dabney until evidence was provided to the compiler by milleralbum.com that Marye Dabney was a man.
See the description for the previous photo for information on Sarah (1920-2013) and her sister Amelia (1929-2011).
The label says, “Priestly Toulmin III.” He was the son of Priestly Chewning Toulmin, whose relation to LDM is that PCT’s parents were Priestly Toulmin (1863-1935) and Martha Dabney Toulmin (1889-1974, daughter of LDM’s son Dr. John Davis Dabney (1848-1935) and his second wife Virginia Grant Dabney, 1858-1920). (His first wife was Virginia Meade.) LDM is thus the great-aunt of Priestly Toulmin III.
The label says “John Davis Dabney, III,” so he is probably the grandson of LDM’s brother Dr. John Davis Dabney, Sr. (1848-1930). However, the repetition of names in the family can be confusing. LDM’s brother was an expert on malaria and was sent to Cuba at the time of the Spanish-American War to help the US Army with malaria. But he became very ill himself and ended up not helping very much.
See the earlier photo of Sarah Dabney (1920-1013) and her sister Amelia Dabney (1929-2011) for more information.
The label says, “Eugenia and Amelia Dabney, 1931.” See an earlier photo for details on sisters Eugenia (1922-2005) and Amelia (1929-2011).
Probably Amelia Dabney, 1931. A stamp on the back says, “Birmingham.” LDM’s brother Dr. John Davis Dabney practiced in Birmingham, as did his son Dr. Marye Yearmans Dabney.
This is a second print of the picture on page 5 of the album.
Orientation: 1
Château d’If, off the coast of Marseille. It was made legendary by Alexandre Dumas in his classic novel, The Count of Monte Cristo.
Thomas Nammacher at 13 months. “Smiling at the janitor. They really are fond of each other.”
Orientation: 1
Orientation: 1
Aperture: 3
Camera: DSC-W310
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
Kay’s 70th birthday party at Mark and Cathy’s house,
November 23, 2007.
Kay’s 70th birthday party at Bob and Mary Helen’s house, November 22, 2007. There are a total of four pictures below.
Keep scrolling down: there are a total of four pictures, showing the house and views therefrom.
Above: the second floor of the house from the golf course.
View #1 from the house.
View #2 from the house.
View #3 from the house.