The reversal must have been done by some error in the high-tech Lyle Road photo lab.
The reversal must have been done by some error in the high-tech Lyle Road photo lab.
Some names: top: Linda Whitman, Jimmy Johnson, Phil, Perry Yapp; middle: Joe Reeves, Rodney Hyde, Diane Longino; bottom: Judy Williamson, Robin McKee, Paul Markey, George Moore, Tina McGaughey, Hope Hewes, Delores, Mimi Sutton.
The group seems to have an attitude problem. Note the "Davy Crockett" T-shirt on Jim, Webster hiding (who wouldn’t?) next to Jim, and those cool two-tones that Phil is wearing.
Members of the Whitehaven Elementary School Boys Choir.
This picture appeared in the Memphis newspaper.
Having made the world safe for democracy, the courageous brothers returned to Memphis from the Pacific theater. In the second picture, they are greeted by sister Kay, just in from her shift at the tank factory.