Go To Timecode: Notes Google's Chrome browser is recommended, however, this page should work using most modern Internet browsers. The Main Page has additional information and instructions. Miller Slides Directory (scrollable) year timecode description 1942 00:00:00 Slides narrated by TMM 1941 00:40 Kay, Tom with TMM 1941 03:35 Neighbors on swings 1941 03:40 Cora with Tom and Bob 1942 00:01 Mother in brown dress 1942 00:05 Kay, Tom and Raggidy Ann 1942 00:11 Tom 1942 00:15 Bob 1942 00:20 Repeat: Tom, Kay, and Raggidy Ann 1942 00:25 Who? 1942 00:35 Kay with doll 1942 01:00 Tom and Kay in the Rex wagon 1942 01:06 Kay and Tom near sidewalk 1942 01:11 Bob driving 1942 01:15 Kay on the Rex wagon 1942 01:20 Kay and Tom from behind 1942 01:20 Kay in the Rex wagon 1942 01:50 TMM with Kay and Tom 1942 01:55 Kay 1942 02:00 Kay with Raggidy Ann 1942 02:05 Bob 1942 03:45 Tom and Kay 1942 04:05 Tom with the Rex wagon 1942 04:10 Kay with the Rex wagon 1942 05:00 Kay 1942 05:05 Kay and Tom having picture taken 1942 05:10 Tom eating cake mix in front yard 1942 06:15 Kay in swing 1942 06:34 Bob (right) with neighbor baby 1942 08:30 Tom 1942 09:39 Tom 1942 12:14 ♦ Kay and Tom under tree 1942 12:19 ♦ Granny in WAC uniform 1942 12:24 ♦ Kay with car and license plate 1942 12:29 ♦ Tom, Bob in sailor uniforms 1943 00:45 Mother in fur coat 1943 00:51 Bob, Tom in front of period car 1943 00:56 Who? 1943 02:30 Bob and Tom with Granny 1943 02:35 Kay without teeth 1943 02:40 Who? 1943 02:45 TMM 1943 02:50 ♦ Bob unhappy 1943 02:54 Kay and Tom 1943 03:00 Tom 1943 03:20 ♦ Kay and Mother 1943 03:24 Tom and Bob fight over cake mix in front yard 1943 03:30 Tom standing in Rex wagon 1943 04:15 Tom with the cake mix 1943 04:20 Swimming pool at Nationale Hotel in Havana 1943 04:25 Tom and Kay in yard 1943 04:30 Kay and Tom 1943 04:35 Bob 1943 04:40 Tom and Kay 1943 04:50 Kay in snazzy hat and coat 1943 05:26 Kay in the swing 1943 05:29 Bob with Rex wagon 1943 05:35 Tom in chair 1943 05:45 Birthday party attendees 1943 05:50 Swimming pool at Nationale Hotel in Havana 1943 05:55 Breakfast on the balcony at Tower Isle, Jamaica 1943 06:00 Kay dressed for performance 1943 06:04 Bob 1943 06:10 Mother in Havana 1943 06:39 Bob and Tom in Rex wagon 1943 06:59 Tom 1943 07:11 Kay with very large bow in hair 1943 07:11 Tom 1943 07:30 Kay with another doll 1943 07:35 Kay, Tom and Bob 1943 07:39 Neighborhood kids 1943 08:24 Tom, Bob in Rex wagon 1943 08:54 ♦ TMM with Bob and Tom 1943 08:59 Kay 1943 09:04 Bob 1943 09:09 Cora and birthday party 1943 09:14 ♦ Tom and Bob 1943 09:29 Tom and Kay 1943 09:49 ♦ Bob 1943 10:09 Bob, Kay 1943 10:14 Neighborhood kids 1943 10:19 Kay in red dress, red bow in hair 1943 10:24 Kay prone, in blue 1943 10:29 Kay and Tom 1943 10:34 Reflection in headlight 1943 10:40 Neighborhood kids 1943 10:44 Tom and neighbor baby 1943 10:49 Bob in snow suit 1943 10:54 Tom 1943 10:59 Bill Craig and daughter Judy 1943 11:04 Kay with whom? 1943 11:09 Bill Craig, Jr. 1943 11:14 Mother 1943 11:18 Kay 1943 11:24 Birthday party attendees 1943 11:29 ♦ Tom, Bob on swings 1943 11:34 ♦ Granny in WAC uniform 1943 12:09 Kay and Tom in yard 1943 12:34 Birthday party attendees 1943 12:39 Tom, Bob in pea jackets 1943 12:44 Kay in Rex wagon 1943 12:50 ♦ Tom, Bob in sailor uniforms 1943 12:54 ♦ Bob in pea jacket 1943 12:59 ♦ Bob in sailor uniform 1943 13:04 Who? 1943 13:10 Bull fight in Havana 1943 13:14 ♦ Bob 1943 13:19 Bob, Tom in front of an airplane 1943 13:24 ♦ Kay with doll 1943 13:29 Bob 1944 02:10 Who? 1944 03:04 Bob, Tom, Kay 1944 03:10 ♦ Kay all dressed up, bow in hair 1944 03:15 Bob with lamb on shirt 1944 06:45 Kay with pretty coat and hat 1944 06:50 Kay and Bob wth Raggidy Ann 1944 06:55 Tom 1944 07:44 Kay 1944 07:50 ♦ Kay, Tom, Bob 1944 08:19 ♦ Tom, Kay, Bob 1944 09:35 Tom with Santa beard 1944 09:54 Kay 1945 03:50 ♦ Mother, Kay, Tom, Bob, and baby Phil 1945 04:00 Mother and who? 1945 04:55 Phil 1945 06:19 Phil 1945 06:25 ♦ Phil 1945 06:29 Tom and Bob in red car 1945 07:05 ♦ Phil with Dizzy Lizzy 1945 07:19 Mother and Phil 1945 07:24 Group 1945 07:54 Phil 1945 08:00 ♦ Bob 1945 08:05 ♦ Kay ready for performance 1945 08:09 Who’s that? 1945 08:14 ♦ Bob 1945 08:35 Monument in Havana 1945 08:39 ♦ Cora Maybelle Riley 1945 08:45 ♦ Street car in Havana 1945 08:49 Phil 1945 09:19 Phil 1945 09:25 Neighbor girl 1945 09:44 Phil 1945 11:44 Mother and Phil 1945 11:49 ♦ Bull fight in Havana 1945 11:54 ♦ Moro Castle in Havana 1945 11:59 ♦ Bob and Tom 1945 12:04 Mother and Phil 1946 04:45 Phil or Bob? 1947 03:55 Phil, Tom, Bob in Whitehaven 1948 05:39 Phil 1948 09:59 ♦ Phil 1948 10:05 Phil, Bob, Tom in Whitehaven 1948 13:34 ♦ Phil, Bob, Tom in Whitehaven, TN 1950 00:30 ♦ Phil, Bob, Tom, Prince 1950 01:27 ♦ Street car in old Havana 1950 01:31 Another street car in old Havana 1950 01:36 Scene on the Prado in Havana 1950 01:41 ♦ Race track in Havana 1950 01:46 Tom with Santa beard 1950 02:15 ♦ Havana scene: lottery tickets 1950 02:20 Fruit stand in Havana 1950 02:25 Beach (La Playa) in Havana 1950 05:20 Phil 1953 05:15 ♦ Red Oak house under construction Note: the ♦ marker indicates a video clip of particular interest. Miller Slides Top-Rated year timecode description 1943 02:50 ♦ Bob unhappy 1943 11:34 ♦ Granny in WAC uniform 1942 12:24 ♦ Kay with car and license plate 1942 12:29 ♦ Tom, Bob in sailor uniforms 1943 03:20 ♦ Kay and Mother 1943 09:49 ♦ Bob 1944 03:10 ♦ Kay all dressed up, bow in hair 1945 03:50 ♦ Mother, Kay, Tom, Bob, and baby Phil 1945 06:25 ♦ Phil 1945 07:05 ♦ Phil with Dizzy Lizzy 1945 11:59 ♦ Bob and Tom 1953 05:15 ♦ Red Oak house under construction 1943 09:14 ♦ Tom and Bob 1943 11:29 ♦ Tom, Bob on swings 1944 07:50 ♦ Kay, Tom, Bob 1945 08:05 ♦ Kay ready for performance 1945 08:39 ♦ Cora Maybelle Riley 1950 00:30 ♦ Phil, Bob, Tom, Prince 1942 12:19 ♦ Granny in WAC uniform 1943 08:54 ♦ TMM with Bob and Tom 1944 08:19 ♦ Tom, Kay, Bob
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Note: the ♦ marker indicates a video clip of particular interest.